Striving To Be A Better You

Better You!!! That is what we all would like to become and that is a better ourselves!!!But, What does that mean? What is it that makes you a better you!!! Spending a little time first to find out who you are!!!! What are your talents???? What are the gifts that you were born with??? Finding your real why and what you are working for!!! And learning how to be an all around better you!!! 

Striving To Be A Better You


First why? Why bother doing any of this??? What is it that gets you out of bed in the morning and what is the reason you work so hard??? Yes!!! We all want money!!! We all want to live comfortable !!! But why? You want to be comfortable with who??? What is comfortable??? And what it is that you want out of life??? These are what make up your why, the reasons that go deeper than a nice car and a nice house??? What is the over all reason you want to be able to provide the kind of life that you want to!!! That is your why!!! Your truest and deepest why!!! That is what you must place in the path of any decision you make!!! Meaning that has to have value over what you want now!!!


Next you want to identify what you have to work with!!! What is it that you are good at? Find  the gifts that you were naturally born with?? Finally what is it you would like to do and learn through your growth??? These will shape the direction that you decide you want to go in!!!! This is so important for finding something that you want to do as well as use your strongest points and work on the areas that you need growth in!!! That is striving to be a better you!!! We all have natural gifts and talents and many if us never discover them!!! Allowing yourself to get to know you is the first and most importing to being a better you!!! Who Are You!!! Remember that no matter what we do whether it is a job interview or selling cars!!! You are truly selling yourself!!!


Now that you know why you are trying to accomplish your dreams. Revel  the deepest reasons why your working for a better you!!! You have identified your talents and strong points its time to identify the areas in you that need the work!!! These are areas to learn, Expand your knowledge, Or even learn some self control!!! Apply some self commitment!!! This is the how you are going to make a better you!!! Find a balance allowing all the areas that you value to receive attention!!! Always working toward what you value most!!!

Spend time working on the areas in your life that need work!!! Its mainly telling yourself the truth and allowing yourself to see the true areas in your life that need the work!!! Sometimes that is the toughest part is just admitting that you need work!!! When you get through that the rest is totally open for improvement!!! The stronger you make the weak areas of your life the more overall you will be able to achieve!!! So lets just start with one day at a time and get started today!!!
Everyone can be a better self and strive to improve the quality of life!!!! Its not a matter of luck or being at the right place at the right time!!! Its a matter of putting yourself in the right place by being who and what you want to be!!! Its a matter of making the decision to act turn your words into actions and your actions into rewards!!!