Fundraiser Ideas For The Unexpected

Fundraiser ideas for the unexpected we all need them from time to time. There are many reasons why you may want to raise money. There are many unexpected good and bad things that happen in life that we may need help from our circle of friends. And their friends and so on. Well Tipping circle has some great fundraiser ideas that will help you raise the money for anything that you may need.

Fundraiser Ideas For The Unexpected!!!

Fundraiser Ideas

There are many reasons and unexpected happenings that are going to create a need to raise money. Maybe a family member or friend takes sick and needs the money for medical and help at home with the family. How about when someone gets married and is raising money for a honeymoon or for the wedding. Or what about a 50th wedding anniversary? Well these are all great reasons to open a tipping bucket!!!

First What Is A Tipping Bucket

What is a tipping bucket you ask? That is a place where all the payments are held for anything you need to raise money for. Just create a tipping bucket and start raising the money for anything you need. This is one of the best fundraiser ideas that i have seen. Tipping circle will notify all the members of your social help network. That is all the members that are in your tipping circle. Then your friends and family can share the bucket with their social help network and so on. Its a great way to raise money for anything you may need.

Fundraiser Ideas

You can raise money for anyone that has had bad thing happen in life. Like when someone in the family dies or gets sick and leaves a family in financial trouble. But it can also be used for joyous occasions like getting married or birthdays. You can create a tipping bucket for anything that you choose to raise money or pool money for!!! You will now have more reach when the funds are needed for that unexpected or expected need.

Social Help Network?

It really does not matter the cause or need that you have. Tipping circle is there for your next fundraiser. The Social Help Network is all the people that you are connected with. From Facebook friends to linked in and twitter. Also anyone that you connect with will receive a notice of your tipping bucket when you create it. Your social help network is now like communities use to be. Only now your community is online rather than up the street. Tipping circle is not only here to send money back and forth between friends. They are here to help make the world a better place for all. So GO HERE AND OPEN YOUR FREE ACCOUNT TODAY!!