Be A Great Self Leader

Be a great self leader!!! That is the largest part of being a great leader!!! This comes to work or sales teams or sports teams!!! You first must have yourself under control and lead yourself well!!! You never will influence people and gain the respect of a great leader if you do not lead yourself well!! Your largest challenge is the man in the mirror every morning!!!!

Be a great self Leader

You first must lead yourself well to have the respect of the people that you are leading!!! You will influence people well when you are doing the same things you are asking them to do!!! You will influence people well by showing them the way rather than sitting and pointing your finger!!! Saying go over there and do that!!! But take the time to show them the resources to make it happen and why!!! That is going to build your team, your business, and your income better than just shooting off answers!!! Investing in them will help them to see the value in investing in others!!!

1.) Never lie to your self always tell yourself the truth even when it makes you feel bad!!

There is something worse that felling bad about yourself and that is holding on to what makes you feel bad about yourself!!! So telling yourself the truth makes you 100% aware of your faults that you can adjust in your life.

2.) Prioritize what you value most over what you want now!!!

Placing value on the areas of your life that you want over what your emotions tell us we want this instant!!!! Sometimes we give up on our dreams because we spend money on lunch and coffee everyday!!!! Sometimes we pass up tremendous opportunities because it cuts into your television 60″ style a little too much!!! There are many reasons that we do not succeed in life and it usually stems from valuing the decisions made by your emotions over the decisions made through a decision about what you value most!!!

3.) Fire the liar in your life!!!

You do not want to lead yourself!!! You always have to have and surround yourself with like minded people that are headed the same direction!!! The friends you keep with directly effect the level of the success that you reach!!! Just because you have the same hobbies and interests does not make for great community for success!!! Truest of friends tell you the truth about yourself and help you find the way back and that is the people that you must surround yourself with!!! People that are heading the same direction as you to success and time freedom!!!

Be a great Self Leader and Your Team Will Follow

Be a great self leader and that starts at home!!! You want to be the person you want to follow!!! You need to be the person they would want to follow and learn from and trust!!! when you make a decision to not do what you need to because you do what you want to that is just showing your team that is ok!!! So missed appointments and not following the same system that you teach!!! That just causes a lack of trust in you and the system and you are now not only in your way but your teams way too!!! So be a great self leader and you will create many other great self leaders building great teams of self leaders!!!