I Can or I Can’t

Positive thoughts or negative thoughts control the outcome of any situation. No matter what when you think positive you at a minimum come out the other side much happier!! We all have problems that effect our life!!! Its the action or reaction you take when that situation arises so step back a moment its not the end of the world!!!! Take a moment of positive thoughts and tackle it from a clean slate!!!!

I Can’t or I Can

I can’t Because” 3 words that will destroy your dreams!!! Those three words focused on the problem or the obstacle in your life!! That takes up all the thought power you have to say I can’t. That means that your dreams are over!!! When you focus on you can not do you will never see what you can do!!! Most of the time the problem that you are having naturally works it self out after you have wasted months being depressed because you have a problem!!! Then you look back and say I wish I had seen that earlier!!! Yeah been there……… Done that!!! 

“I Can and Will” When your first thought is that you keep on going!! You do not stop because you have a problem, you find a way around or over the problem and you turn it in to a step to the next plateau. Lessons come from failure and obstacles are the best lessons learned!!! They also usually propel you to the next stage of your life!!! But the longer you stay focused on the problem the longer you stay in the same place!!! 

What Is Your First Thought

If your not going as fast as you like, ask yourself what your first thought is when you got to or get to every obstacle in your life!!! When you find things that slow you down your mindset is the one thing that will stop you first!! It is not your ability or your knowledge it is the thought that comes to mind first!!! So today when you face a problem or obstacle in your life think I can and will overcome and achieve!!! It’s just a matter of when I find a solution!!! So achieve, Build and Dream a little bigger today and take action to find your solution!!!!!

Be consistent and balanced through your life!!! Just showing up and doing….. that is half the battle of life!!! The problems have a way of working out the way things are going to go!!! I do know one thing is that there are going to be hurdles your whole life!!! Nothing comes with out effort and work!!! And it is the reaction to any problem or issue that determines the out come or the final result!!! Sometimes the quick reaction may save the day but you still have the rest of the week month and year left!!! So standing back and seeing the solution from a distance of the reaction is usually the best decision!!!