Reset Your Mindset

Reset your mindset when you reset recommit and refocus your mind. Here is an amazing training that I have experienced and apply to my life daily. This training is strait from a really close friend and leader of mine Rory Ricord. This training alone is a something that allows me to grow more and expand my mind and ability more and more every day!!!!

Reset Your Mindset

Reset – Refocus – Recommit

Reset your mindset today. Sometimes we just need a reboot just like a computer. Many times we have to stop or and clear the history and reset our computer and allow the updates to take place. Well in a sense we need to do the same thing in our own life. Now I am putting into article what has been so amazingly transferred to me through the teaching of Rory Ricord. And I can say that this is one time where this one teaching affects my life daily in such a positive way. When you start with a clear slate or mind your thoughts are not interrupted with other confusion so you want to start with resetting your mind.

Reset: Reset or clear the history in your mind!!!!!

Reset your mindsetHere is a time of quite where you stop, pause and take a minute to quiet your thoughts. This is important as we can not hear anything in noise. So quiet your mind and allow your thoughts to slowly clear. Stop and view yourself at your quite place. Find ways of invisioning your noise and confusion clearing and disappearin like clearing the tracks in the snow or sand. Erasing these tracks are like clearing your thoughts and mind. Now that your mind is clear, You are able to move forward with the refocus!!!!

Refocus: Now its time to focus on your goals and dreams!!!!!

Reset your mindsetRefocus your why!!! do you know your why!!!! what is it that gets you out of bed to do what every day? That is your why the reason you are seeking somthing better right now is your why and you just need to pin point that why and establish that as your why. Your dreams and desires to make happen in your life. That also adds to your why.

Really take a moment and identify where you want to go in life and what you want to achieve. That is your why!!!! This is what gets you through anything and will give you the motivation not to quit on your self!!!! Now is the time to start your mindset change and see what it changes in your everyday life. Now your not distracted by the things that just take your time and you focus on the things that develop you. Now your are able to do much more and be much more effective!!!!

Then you want to refocus on your goals or your desitnations along the way. This is the path your going to use to get there. We all need to set day by day goals and week to week goals!!! Then we need yearly and 5 year goals these are the points of destination that allows you to see your progress and have short term goals to strive for. These are what you need to refocus on at first. What is your plan? what is your destination ? and what is your final destination your why???? define these and declare them and then your ready for recommitment!!!!

Recommit: recommit and declare daily and hourly what your going to do to achieve your goals.

Reset your mindsetA commitment is more important than a promise. A commitment gets met one how or another!!!! this means that when you commit to yourself that your going to take this path you have to honor that commitment when it is declared out loud!!! So start Declaring your commitments to your goals all the time. Do not allow yourself to let yourself down!!! now is the time to change your life with changing your mindset.

Reset your mindset today!!! Now is the time to recommit to what ever the goals you have set in your life!!! This is where you declare what you are going to do to the universe. When you declare it out loud you make it real!!!! Post your commitment around the house on sticky notes or a journal of declared goals but make it real and declare each day what your going to do!!! Reset your Mindset today!!!



Listen to the live Recording it will change your life!!!


Reset your mindset