The greatest commandment is love one another as I have loved you!!! You know I have been involved in ministry my whole life!!! And the one thing that I find everywhere I go is a ton of right and wrong and not a whole lot of love!!! Now do not get me wrong I believe in God and The Bible but I think we focus on the right and wrong more than we do the love that was given to put us all on the same playing field!!! That is you should not worry about who is right and who is wrong to give you the upper hand!!! But you should give your life to help that person see what real love is!!! And that is place yourself below those around you!!!
The Greatest Commandment Is Love One Another As He Loved Us!!!

And the greatest of these is love one another as I have loved you!!! That is what he said!!! SO it seems to me that if you do not get that you do not get it!!! You know so lets look at that!!!
I Understand Where Society Comes From !!!!
It drives me crazy and trust me I am not perfect and will be the first to tell you!!! Even at the greatest commandment I do not love everyone like God loves us!!! That right there makes me imperfect!!! So the rest does not even matter!! And if you strive for the first and most important commandment the rest falls into place!!!
Have you been to church your whole life and do not go now because of this very reason!!! Every time you tried to do something good you get 40 people telling you why your not good enough to do the job!!! Or play in the band or sing in the chorus!!! But the Gospel is to Spread The Good News and that is that God sent his son to die on the cross to pay for all the wrongs that we commit!!! He was the final sacrifice so that we can have a relationship with him and show that same love to one another!!!
Lets Make This Simple!!!
Does that sound way more simple than having to live by these standards!!! We are here to help the weary, Help the broken, feed the hungry and clothe the cold!!! We are not here to decide whether they deserve the help by their actions!!! No one deserves to be an alcoholic or a drug addict!!! And you know it could be the time you show love that draws them from the pits of addiction!!! It could be the meal you feed them that saves their life on a cold night!!! It could be the clothing you donate that keeps them covered!!!
So until you can find it to love everyone like Jesus love us!!! Then do not think that your right enough to judge others!!! Until you put yourself in the position that is lower than others then your not in the position to judge!!! There is only one Judge and that is God himself!!! I do not want to be the one Judged for pushing someone away from the love of God!!! Just Imagine!!!
Crazyness !!!!
There are so many loving people that have things in their life that love can heal but we are to busy looking at why we can not love them!!! God did not say love those who are perfect!!! God said love covers a multitude of sins!!! So the things that many people do in the name of God goes directly against the first and most important commandment of all!!!
Love One Another As I Have Loved You!!!
Forgive them father for they know not what they do!!! That was as he was going through the most devastating of torture anyone can go through!!! And still he love them because they were ignorant to what they truly were doing!!! So LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU!!! That is the true meaning of spreading the Gospel!!!
The Law!!!
It is there to show you you can not be good enough!!!
Yes the world now deals and tolerates more than it did in the 20’s . But when you look through history the world has not changed!!! People are people and we are not perfect!!! But when you realize that what was done for us on the cross!!! God put us all in the position to be able to believe and accept and be forgiven!!! Its when you realize what was done for you is what creates the desire to be more like him!!! When you realize the love that was given and you accept what he did on the cross as payment for your wrongs that is when you realize what little right and wrong should ever mean between Christians!!!
When you allow your opinion of someones right and wrong to hurt someone else is when you make the cross and what was done there of no value!!! Because what Jesus did was show that it does not matter what you do he still loves each and everyone of us the same!!! So show everyone the same love that God does to us!!! That is the truth!!! Now when you do that it pretty well solves the rest of the worlds problems because we would not do the rest of the the Wrongs in the commandments!!!
So until you master the first one!!! You do not have the right!!! And when you master the first one you would not judge anyone because it is finished!!! So love one another as Jesus loved us!!! Lets work on that and forget about the rest!!! That is why that Is The Greatest Commandment!!!!