Daily Inspirational Thoughts is a page that I will add new thoughts that inspire me to keep going!!! We all have tough times, troubles and obstacles in life. It is the way you recover from them or get through them that teaches us and molds us to be the people that we are today!!! When you share those thoughts you are paying your experience forward to inspire others to think positive and develop their lives to be better do better and aspire to greatness!!! I hope you enjoy these thoughts and visit often!!! Sign up for updates and I can send you updates of new great articles all the time!!!
Daily Inspirational Thoughts
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Daily Inspirational Thoughts
February 27, 2019
Fill Your Mind With Positive Thoughts
What goes into your mind is what comes out of your mouth!!! What comes out of your mouth totally directs the destination of your life!!! If you believe it you say it!! If you say it you live it!!!
Negativity starts in the mind, Your mind is filled by the content and people you surround yourself with!!! Some of us can not seem to get away from the nay Sayers, So we need to listen and find successful positive people to speak into our lives!!!
Take Your Negative Thoughts Captive And Do Not Allow Them Space In Your Mind
It also takes mind control and deciding what stays and what goes!!! Capture and hold the positive and reject and throw away the negative!!! IF your around negative people in your family then you need to be the positive voice in their life!!! That means you need to listen and surround yourself with 2 X as many positive thoughts than those who live with cheerleaders!!! But let me really ask how many of us really live with a cheerleader there are probably 4% that do or you may be the 4% in life so Listen and fill you mind with positive thoughts. Hold think positivity and speak life and you will live the dreams you set!!!
Daily Inspirational Thoughts February 22, 2019
I love this!!! This Adds so much to life!!! One of the most important times in your life is when you discover your gift and begin to develop that gift!!! That is such a powerful thing in life when you finally truly find what you are gifted at and sometimes it surprises you. A gift is god given and its an area of your life that you do well and enjoy doing it!!!
These gifts are being a good singer or musician or teaching, helping and mentoring, What ever you are naturally good at!!! You may be artistic or crafty, Maybe your a great cook or good with money and numbers!!! These are all god given gifts and when you discover what that gift is and begin to develop that gift its an amazing time in your life!!!
Now when you discover the power and fulfillment in paying that forward that your purpose in life. To pay that gift forward to generations in the future is when you come to or discover the real meaning in your life!!! So do not be afraid to show others how to do what you are naturally good at!!! Never know you may help someone discover their gift and they may uncover a gift in you or help you in a way develop yours!!!
At the right time all things are discovered!!! At the right time you will discover your success because you need to be ready to be a good steward of it!!! So allow all things to happen in the right time because you are not ready for what you do not have!!! Pay it forward and help those around you!!! Develop yourself and prepare you for the success to come!!! Make a plan and achieve your goals and dream dreams that inspire you to chase them!!!
So be content with where you are and what you have now!!! That does not mean be satisfied and stop there it just means you have what you have because that is the level of success you have earned and can handle!!! When you are ready you will receive more more both mentally and monetarily So be patient and work for what you want!!! Aim for the stars and help the community around you!!! You reap what you sow so sow good seeds and allow them to grow!!!
Daily Inspirational Thoughts
February 21 2019
Guard Rails Are There To Keep You On Track
Every time you run into something that is not working do not just throw up your hands and say well that was a waste, But stop and listen. There is a still small voice that is with in you that will have guardrails that will keep you on your path!!! Now we all know that just because there are guardrails on a highway does not mean that people do not wind up in the pucky brush!!!
When your just bull headed going 100 miles an hour you will totally miss the guardrails and end up when you do crash your so far out you missed all the signs and jumped the guardrails!!! So make sure you are on an even path, That is consistent. Take the time to listen and know that just because something does not work the first time you may have just hit a guardrail and when your paying attention there is a sign near by that will get you back on track!!!
Slow Down And See The Signs
When your driving down the road and miss a corner you hit the guardrail!!! That is what happens when you do not stay on the road and that is why they are there. You would not back up and run into it again faster and say no i want to go that way!!! Many of us do that in life when we do something that does not work, We back up and go at it harder!!! Try learning from the mistake and turning the wheel just a little and take the corner down your path that has been set for you!!! So in short you live and hopefully learn!!!
Look At Your Life Like Driving
So our business can be looked at like a highway or your life too!!! When you are operating safely you are taking time to listen to your car!!! You keep it tuned up so the breaks and all the system are in good working order!!! You operate in a balanced manner watching the people around you!! Following the path that is best for you!!! Watching the signs around you and watching out for the guardrails that keep you from totally going off track!!!!
so listen to the sounds and sights around you!!! Do not fall victim to the insanity of doing the same wrong action over with more conviction!!! Try looking at the situation and see where you could do something different and better!!! If you need to go back to the basics and see what you may have missed because I can guarantee there was a sign that said sharp corner that you missed!!! So just find the sign and the next time through make sure you see that corner sign slow down and go the right direction this time!!!
So I hope you find your dreams and I know you will meet your goals!!! Keep your ears open and your eyes on the road!!! Pay attention to the signs around you and watch the road ahead.Just drive your life seeing what is down the road!!! Do not look at the pot hole you just hit in your rear view but look at the one that is ahead of you and avoid them in the future!!!