Daily motivator Get it right here !!! We all wake up Monday morning that is a given but what is your first thought? Is it, great the beginning to another long week? Or do you say Wow I get the chance to get one step closer to my dream!!! Do not change the dream to accommodate the action rather change the action to accommodate the dream!!!!
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Yes we do make commission on the products that you purchase here!!! Its how I can keep providing positive thoughts and energy to the world!!! As one rock in a pond ever thought cast ripples out into the community and inspires many more!!! So I hope that you enjoy the Daily Motivator And Come Back Often!!!
Daily Motivator!!!
Everyone needs to wake up and think a positive thought everyday but especially Monday!!! I understand the idea of going to work at the same place for years hoping something good happens like winning on a scratch ticket or hitting the lottery!!! AND YES I HAVE BEEN THERE!!! But today, I wake up different knowing that what I do makes a difference in others lives!!! Which is great!!! FIND YOUR WHY!!!
First Find Your Why!!!
Find what it is in life that you truly value!!! That is your true daily motivator!!! I do not mean money but deeper than that!!! Find what it is that gets you out of bed, what you truly would like to change and what is success in your life!!! What is it you truly work for everyday!!! We all know that we work for the money but it has to go deeper than that!!! That will not get you through the tough times!!! That is the thought you need on Monday morning!!! That is going to keep you striving when you do not want to!!! When the beginning of the week is so tough that you do not want to jump out of bed!!! Wake up and think I am one step closer to finding my goals and dreams!!!
Start Your Day With A Positive Thought!!!
Now that you have found your why Start your day with a positive thought!!! I am always adding positive thoughts and lessons learned!!! Book mark this page and visit often!!! We offer positive thoughts and awesome finds all in one place!!! So we are glad you have found us and I hope that you visit often!!!
Teamwork is an effort to build the people around you!!! Not just using the people around you!!! You will always get better results by showing the newest members the way. Also identify peoples strengths and put them in a position of their strength!!! Then allow them to build in the areas of weekness
Things happen to all of us!!! That is not new, but everyone has different problems and obstacles in life but the difference is how we react to them!!! Its not about reacting and fixing what happened for we can not change that!!! ITs about being prepared and growing through that situation to that the next time you are ready!!! So really it us all about learning from the last problem so that you are prepared and ready to act when the next one is coming at you!!! So remember that it is not always what happens to you in life as much as it is what you do with that situation!!!
Monday its a new week!! Its a new start!! Its the day when you wake up and say this week is going to be awesome!!! Because when you start with a negative Monday your starting at the bottom of the hill and its a long way up!!! When you wake up and put your positive pants on you start at the top of the hill and find every reason to stay there walking the Peak!!! So happy Monday lets make it happen!!!
Tuesday Daily Motivator
You can not consistently perform in a manner that in inconsistent to how you see yourself!!! The thoughts that you feed the words that you speak about yourself effect the ability you have to succeed in your life!!! You will be come what you speak!!! You will speak what you think!!! You will think what you allow into your ears or your mind!!! So start today and take the time to listen to some motivational speakers!!! Find a morning thought that you can listen to daily to start your day with a postive throught!!! Positive thinking will not make everything happen but you will make everything you do better with positive thinking!!! Not feeding the thoughts of negativity and not allowing them to fill your garden!!! See your self as Fearfully And Wonderfully Made!!! You must believe in yourself and your ability to do and grow and be what you are becomming!!! Today think it say it believe it be it!!!