Moments in time, We have many of them. it is what we do with these moments in time that really matter. And, it only takes one of these moments in time to change the rest of the moments in time that you have left here. Many of wrap our mind up in what life has given to us to this point. Take the moments in time that you chose the wrong path and use that to learn, expand, and teach others what not to do. Do not take the moments in time that you have left and focus on the bad decision that you have in your past. Use that bad time to learn, And grow in to a better you.
Moments In Time
We all have the same amount of time in a day. It is how we define those moments in time and what we do. Remember that we feel the effects of what we do for a while after the decision is made. For every action there is a reaction. So what does that mean? Well that means that when you decide to use the car payment rather than pay the bill your going to feel the effects of that for a while after that decision is made. When you do not have a car to get to work then your feeling the effects of that bad decision for a while after the decision is made.
For Every Action There Is A Reaction!!!!
So now its time to look on the other side of the spectrum. When you take that one moment. You stop and look around and reset refocus and recommit. It only takes that one moment to change the rest of the moments in time that you have on earth. That action of deciding to take the steps necessary steps to change your life takes one moment the commitment takes a life time. So take the moment to commit to the decision you make to change your situation.
Now its time to live life by the moment.
We have learned that the moments in life that are gone can not be changed. We use those moments to shape the moments in time that we have left,to grow, learn and, better ourselves. Take the time that you have in a day and break it down to the moment by moment goal. Live life learning moment by moment and making the next decision to the best of your ability. Remember what you give you get back. You really do reap what you sow!!! I know that is rough for some of us because we do not currently feel it. Just remember that you will not receive your break till your ready to receive it. So just keep working toward the future to the best of your ability. Keep putting out good and the reaction to your action will happen at the right point in time for you.
Change Your Future Starting Now
There are only 2 points in life that can not change that is life and death. You will live and you will die. But in life when your not growing your deteriorating. So start giving your best, and realize that it only takes one moment to change all your future moments in time. So keep planning your goals, dreams and desires. Make your moments in time count, learn from the moments you chose the wrong path and remember that success is a mindset and not an amount of money or a position at work. Become what you desire and change your mindset and taste to match your definition of success.
Declare your dreams and commit to your goals every moment of every day. Every moment is either a stumbling block or a building block depending where you place it. So get up one more time than you get knocked down and live all the moments in time you have left to the fullest!!!!