Successful People Set Guardrails

Successful people stick together not because they are snobs. Successful people are successful because they align themselves with other successful people. That is the key. Did you know that your brain waves actually align with the people that you hang out with most. If you have a group of people that consistently hang out, you will find out that they all have about the same amount of money in their account. Do you know why? Lets read on!!!

Successful People Set Guardrails

What do you think it takes to be successful? Why do you think successful people are selective as to who they hang out with most? Really it is not because they are snobs. It is because your brain waves actually align with the people that you surround your self with. Seriously it is because your brainwaves will follow the others that you surround yourself with most. You ever hear Birds of a feather flock together? Well it is true!!! So be selective about who you let speak into your life. Do you want to be successful then set yourself apart from those who hold you back!!!

Ever Met Someone You Wish You Never Had Met?

Our greatest regrets are not usually related to people that you were not friends with or were enemies. Our greatest regrets are usually with people you were friends with. The saying “best friends do not bail each other out of jail but they are usually in the cell together”? yeah exactly my point!! Not that you do not like that friend now!! Or Maybe you do but the point being that you were in the same place because your lives align. Not because you like what they do so much but your brain waves align!!!

When you were younger and you said to yourself ” I will go but I will not do what they are. I will just stand off and watch and hang out.”Do you know why that never works? Because your morals and way of thinking begin to align with them. You will find yourself thinking things you never thought you would think. You will say things that you never would have said before, and finally doing the things you said you never would. That is just the way it is. Do you want to be different? Then you need to surround yourself with the people that are different from where your at. Do you want to be successful? Surround yourself with successful people and align you brainwaves with them. Set your guardrails

What is your greatest regret?

I bet your greatest regrets were with someone. Usually that person is or was a friend?  When you were younger and your parents said you need to select your friends more wisely that is because that they were watching out for you!! They were protecting you and setting your guardrails for life. What is a guardrail? They are there to keep you on the road. Guardrails are a system that keeps you from going into the danger zone. You never hear people say that they wish that the guardrails on the highway would allow them to go off the road at 60 miles an hour? Nope you never hear someone say I wish that guardrail was not there I wish I had gone off in to the woods. Then your happy that you have a guardrail to keep you on the road?

Select your friends with that in mind. If they are the kind of people that would encourage you to do something that sends you off into the ditch of life? They may not be the people that you want to align your mind with. When the things they are encouraging you to do is helping you stay on the road or even get back on the road of life those are the people that will help you set proper guardrails in life!!!

Your greatest regrets usually happened with the people that you hung out or hang out with daily. That is because your allow your guardrails to be set by the people around you, meaning that your thoughts and patterns of action are usually affected by the people that you surround yourself with the most. These are the people that have the largest effect in your life. Not because that they are such a great influence and you want to be just like them. That happens literally because you start to think like those you hang with most!!!

Now take your regrets and turn them into learning moments lessons learned!!! These are the areas in your life when you can look back and say and see the people that you were associating with and see that it was a group of people that think act and are the same. That is because what you life and see and associate with the most is how your mind begins to function. So again be very careful of those that you allow to speak into your life. Be cautious of what you read and allow yourself to take in because now its not just face to face but through TV and most of all the internet. Even the Drama and interaction that you have on social media and how much you allow your mind to receive from the news feed daily!!!

Guardrails are there for your protection!!!

Many of us do not see the guardrails in our life as things that are good. No one likes when you are young and your parents will not let you go somewhere!!! I know I did not. When the bank refuses you for a loan because your too stressed financially now. That is a financial guardrail that we do not like. Non of us like to be told something is not a good idea. Many of us would go do it just because. Right? I have done it. When I was told I could not get something I went and got it and years later I was filing bankruptcy so they are there for a reason.

Now when you surround yourself with successful people and see to self develop the better the guardrails sound. When you align your thinking with people that are successful and start to think clear to your future the more the guardrails that people or circumstances place in your way its all about how you get over it. When you are denied for a loan? How do you get around that? Do you just save the money to get what you want? Or do you run around and draw the cash out of everywhere you can get a cash advance so you can still get what you thought you wanted. That is removing the guardrail financially and driving 60 MPH right off the road into the puckah brush.

How do I know that ?

I have done it!!! See I am the perfect example of finding the right people can align your thinking? Now I am turning around and reaching for success by surrounding myself with success? Now I am able to pay it forward and teach and show others the same path to success that I have taken. Changing your taste and setting your goals and dreams is the first step. Then setting the guardrails in your life that best keep you on the right path and sticking to them. That is the hard part unless you find the people that are there and learn and think more like them.

Does that mean that you are trying to become them? No!!! Just align your thoughts and their patterns of success and apply that to your personality. You are who you are but you are not what you do. Your personality can be developed and you will still be you but your actions and thoughts are still effected by the people around you. So find the people you want to be more like in your life? Follow the patterns and repeat the actions it takes to get there. That is how we develop.

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